2023年广西大学生英语竞赛(NECCS)考试真题卷 .pdf

2023年广西大学生英语竞赛(NECCS)考试真题卷 .pdf

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2023 年广西大学生英语竞赛(NECCS)考试真 题卷 本卷共分为 2 大题 27 小题,作答时间为 180 分钟,总分 100 分,60 分及格。 一、单项选择题(共 2 题,每题 2 分。每题的备选项中,只 有一个最符合题意) 1.“十一五”规划纲要提出,“十一五”时期森林覆盖率达 到__。 A.10% B.20% C.25% D.30% 2.合同当事人双方权利和义务共同指向的对象是__。 A.标的 B.质量 C.数量 D.价款 二、多项选择题(共 2 题,每题 2 分。每题的备选项中,有 多个符合题意) 1.They talked in such an uneasy manner as if something terrible ______ soon. A.had happened B.happened C.would happen D.has happened 2.The daring rescue of those stranded on the mountaintop was truly a ______ deed. Everybody praised this courageous deed. A.creditable B.abnormal C.unbelievable D.credible 3.He constantly ______ his proposal that ______ of the budget surplus be used to offer a voluntary prescription drug benefit to seniors. A.views; many B.reiterates; a part C.complains; a great amount D.thinks; lots 4.The main road through Littlebury was blocked for three hours today after an accident ______ two lorries. A.involving B.including C.combing D.containing 5.You ______ her in her office last Friday, she has been out of town for two weeks. A.neednt have seen B.must have seen C.can have seen D.might have seen 6.The trumpet player was certainly loud. But I wasnt bothered by his loudness ______ by his lack of talent. A.than B.more than C.as D.so much as 7.Although there is some truth to the fact that Linux is a huge threat to Microsoft, predictions of the Redmond companys demise are, ______ , premature. A.saying the most B.to say the least C.to say the most D.to the least degree 8.Ann never dreams of ______ for her to be sent abroad very soon. A.there to be a chance B.there being a chance C.there be a chance D.being a chance 9.I promised to ______ her daughter next week when shes on business. A.take off B.look for C.take after D.look after 10.These two areas are similar ______ they both have a high rainfall during this season. A.to t


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