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PAGE PAGE III 二维码技术及其在部队装备管理的应用 Two dimensional code technology and its application in the management of military equipment (申请武警工程大学工学学士学位论文) 旅 (系):二 旅 专 业:信息安全 学 员 姓 名:戴 星 辰 指 导 教 师:刘 佳 xxx年xx月 摘要 这些年来,我国军队人员与装备不断发展,随之而来的是管理难度增加,管理工作繁琐复杂。以前,军队装备采用的是人工方式进行管理,随着装备规模和数量的增加,人工方式对装备进行清点速度慢并且难度太大,容易造成差错,并且难以掌握装备调配或者变更方面的状况,因此,笔者考虑用二维码技术引入装备管理过程。本文对二维码编码和解码的过程进行了详细研究,并且分析了开源的1D/2D条码图像处理库,将二维码技术成功用于军队装备的使用、出入库等过程。同时,介绍了军队装备信息管理系统的需求与现状,设计了二维码应用于信息管理系统的方式,还研究了在手持机器上进行采集信息和管理装备的实现方法。并验证了其可行性与便捷性。 关键词:二维码技术;部队;装备管理;应用 Abstract Along with the development of the military equipment construction, the management workload is increasing day by day. The traditional mode of artificial statistics, inventory management model for data statistics has been difficult to meet the requirements of equipment management information. In order to solve the equipment management in the process of manual entry of frequent operation, low efficiency, data reliability and not easy to dynamic tracking equipment use and management, application of two-dimensional code in equipment management of the use of use, maintenance, warehouse storage and scrap and other links. Based on the analysis of the characteristics and key technologies of two-dimensional code encoding and decoding, as well as the research of the open source 1D/2D barcode image processing library, the two-dimensional code encoding and decoding. Through understanding and equipment management information system requirements and the analysis of army equipment management information system status proposed the system application of two-dimensional code of the overall architecture, and the design and development of handheld equipment information collection client software and equipment management information system terminal, and verifies the feasibility and convenience. Key words: two-dimensional code technology; army; equipment management; application 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 摘要 I 第一章 引 言 1 第二章 二维


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