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Answer Sheet
P R A C T I C E T E S T 3
Determine the correct answer for each question. Then, using a No. 2
pencil, blacken completely the oval containing the letter of your choice.
Practice Test 3
Note: For all questions involving solutions and/or chemical equations, assume
that the system is in water unless otherwise stated.
Reminder: You may not use a calculator on these tests.
The following symbols have the meanings listed unless otherwise noted.
H enthalpyg gram(s)
M molarJ joules(s)
n number of moleskJ kilojoules
P pressureL liter(s)
R molar gas constantmL milliliter(s)
S entropymm millimeter(s)
T temperaturemol mole(s)
V volumeV volt(s)
atm atmosphere
Part A
Directions: Every set of the given lettered choices below refers to the
numbered statements or formulas immediately following it. Choose the one
lettered choice that best fits each statement or formula and then fill in the
corresponding oval on the answer sheet. Each choice may be used once,
more than once, or not at all in each set.
Questions 1–4 refer to the following diagram:
1. The activation energy of the forward reaction is shown by
2. The activation energy of the reverse reaction is shown by
3. The heat of the reaction for the forward reaction is shown by
4. The potential energy of the reactants is shown by
Questions 5–7 refer to the following diagram:
5. To plate silver on the spoon, the position to which the wire from the spoon
must be connected
6. The position of the anode
7. The position from which silver that is plated out emerge
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