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**Remember, directions that appear on the model tests may look similar to

those you will see on test day. Since this is an eBook, record all of your

answers separately. Answer Sheets are for reference only.

You can use the hyperlinks between the questions and answers to see

correct vs. incorrect answers and answer explanations.

Good luck!



Turn to Section 1 of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.

Directions: Following each of the passages (or pairs of passages) below are questions about the

passage (or passages). Read each passage carefully. Then, select the best answer for each question

based on what is stated in the passage (or passages) and in any graphics that may accompany the


Questions 1–11 are based on the following passage.

In this adaptation of an excerpt from An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge, a

short story set in Civil War times, a man is about to be hanged. The first two

paragraphs set the scene; the remainder of the passage presents a flashback to

an earlier, critical encounter.

A man stood upon a railroad bridge in

Northern Alabama, looking down into the

swift waters twenty feet below. The man’s

Linehands were behind his back, the wrists

(5)bound with a cord. A rope loosely encircled

his neck. It was attached to a stout cross-

timber above his head, and the slack fell to

the level of his knees. Some loose boards laid

upon the sleepers supporting the metals of

(10)the railway supplied a footing for him and

his executioners—two private soldiers of the

Federal army, directed by a sergeant, who in

civil life may have been a deputy sheriff. At

a short remove upon the same temporary

(15)platform was an officer in the uniform of his

rank, armed. He was a captain. A sentinel at

each end of



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