【英语版】国际标准 ISO 6362-3:2001 EN Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy extruded rods/bars, tubes and profiles — Part 3: Extruded rectangular bars — Tolerances on shape and dimensions 锻造铝和铝合金挤压棒材、管材和型材 第3部分:挤压矩形棒材 形状和尺寸公差.pdf
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- 2025-01-08 发布于四川
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- | 2001-03-29 颁布
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- 国际标准 ISO 636:2004 EN Welding consumables — Rods, wires and deposits for tungsten inert gas welding of non-alloy and fine-grain steels — Classification 焊接材料 非合金钢和细晶粒钢的钨极惰性气体保护焊条、焊丝和熔敷料 分类.pdf
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- 国际标准 ISO 636:2015 EN Welding consumables — Rods, wires and deposits for tungsten inert gas welding of non-alloy and fine-grain steels — Classification 焊接材料 非合金钢和细晶粒钢的钨极惰性气体保护焊条、焊丝和熔敷料 分类.pdf