【英语版】国际标准 ISO 6578:1991 EN 冷冻碳氢液体 静态测量 计算程序 Refrigerated hydrocarbon liquids — Static measurement — Calculation procedure.pdf
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- 2025-01-08 发布于四川
- 废止
- 已被废除、停止使用,并不再更新修订
- | 1991-11-28 颁布
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- 国际标准 ISO 6550-3:2002 EN 公路车辆 带锥形座的护套型萤光塞及其汽缸盖外壳 第3部分:M10 萤光塞 Road vehicles — Sheath-type glow-plugs with conical seating and their cylinder head housing — Part 3: M10 glow-plugs.pdf
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- 国际标准 ISO 6550-3:2009 EN Road vehicles — Sheath-type glow-plugs with conical seating and their cylinder head housing — Part 3: M10 glow-plugs 公路车辆 带锥形座的护套型萤光塞及其汽缸盖外壳 第3部分:M10 萤光塞.pdf
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- 国际标准 ISO 6550-3:2013 EN Road vehicles — Sheath-type glow-plugs with conical seating and their cylinder head housing — Part 3: M10 glow-plugs 公路车辆 带锥形座的护套型萤光塞及其汽缸盖外壳 第3部分:M10 萤光塞.pdf
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- 国际标准 ISO 6550-4:2005 EN Road vehicles — Sheath-type glow-plugs with conical seating and their cylinder head housing — Part 4: M8 x 1 glow-plugs 公路车辆 带锥形座的护套型萤光塞及其汽缸盖外壳 第4部分:M8 x 1 萤光塞.pdf
- 国际标准 ISO 6550-4:2009 EN 公路车辆 带锥形座的护套型萤光塞及其汽缸盖外壳 第4部分:M8 x 1 萤光塞 Road vehicles — Sheath-type glow-plugs with conical seating and their cylinder head housing — Part 4: M8 x 1 glow-plugs.pdf
- 国际标准 ISO 6550-4:2009 EN Road vehicles — Sheath-type glow-plugs with conical seating and their cylinder head housing — Part 4: M8 x 1 glow-plugs 公路车辆 带锥形座的护套型萤光塞及其汽缸盖外壳 第4部分:M8 x 1 萤光塞.pdf